Hosted by Castro Valley Natural Grocery and Alameda County Beekeepers Association, this very popular yearly workshop by Randy Oliver has been sponsored by ACBA . Randy has been a professional beekeeper and now spends full time developing practical applications for both commercial and hobbyist beekeepers.
Attendees must be vaccinated for Covid-19 and must be members of the ACBA.
The workshop is aimed at beginning to intermediate beekeepers, though in past years even very experienced beekeepers learn something. Morning lecture and afternoon hands-on demonstration so afternoon attendance is limited to 18. Cost $60 per person. The morning lecture session will start at 8:30 am at Castro Valley Natural Grocery. The morning session only is $35 and we can seat up to 50. At the lunch break, the full-day attendees will get directions to the bee yard for the afternoon hands-on session.
Lunch is on your own.
Find out more about Randy’s advice for successful beekeeping at, many of his articles have been published in the American Bee Journal.
For questions, contact Jim Veitch