LAB 200 is a creative collaboration space for makers, artisans, entrepreneurs and those that support their growth. On the east side of the mezzanine (those windows you see upstairs from Castro Valley Boulevard!), LAB 200 members benefit from being part of a collective.


Are you making jewelry, fermenting vegetables, or brewing beer in your garage, and want to take it to next level? Taking it to LAB 200 will help nurture your dream into reality.

I know from personal experience how much goes into running a small business besides the hand-on making of your product (that’s the fun part!). Scaling from baking one perfect pie to over 100 for customers one Thanksgiving was no easy feat, but the baking was the easiest part. Websites, permits, licensing, finances, hiring, packaging ….oh my.

You don’t have to go it alone – connect with support from local professionals and the amazing folks in the Castro Valley community.


Professional photos (of you and your products), funding advice, mentorship, help with social media and website design, and preferred rates and booking priority for Pop Out Kitchen and Lab 200 event spaces.


You will be treated as if you belong – because you do.